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Advancement with Certification

By the time the Pearson VUE survey got completed, its report confirms that 61% of candidates hoping to get advanced or promoted because of taking part in the IT certification exams got promoted.

The pioneer in computer-based testing and certification, Pearson VUE released its latest 2021 report of ‘Value of IT Certification.’  It confirms that IT professionals in any part of their career pathway continue to benefit significantly from the certification of their skills validation.  Further, the IT specialists, with their commitment to upskilling, could enhance their employability and remuneration, even with the pandemic disrupting the budget for staff training by the employers to inevitably affect the certification programs.


Pearson VUE said that compared to the previous year, the IT certification grew by 16%.  The candidates continued their certification pursuit through OnVue, an online solution provided by Pearson VUE for over a 300% increase in online test delivery even with the global lockdowns. In addition, 30% confirm that the COVID-19 impact was their motivating factor in getting the new certification.  And they are more likely to get cloud computing credentials over other IT certifications, confirm Pearson VUE.

Companies are aligned with growth of cloud certifications.

“Candidates focused on continuous certifications are poised for better security in their jobs.” Says Murthy Vaidheeswaran CEO of QR Solutions.

The 2021 Pearson VUE survey reveals that the demand for cloud computing skills increased significantly because of the COVOD 19.  And organizations increased their digital tools adoption.  It increased the enterprises’ need to scale their cloud-based platforms as most businesses shifted to remote forms of working.  It is to enable their access to the resources needed for working from home effectively and using the developers with a better understanding of the technologies during the pandemic.  Cloud computing like SaaS, IaaS and PaaS is what the 28% got certifications in 2020, a 164% rise from the previous Pearson VUE IT certification survey.

Certification confirms advancement

Before completing the Pearson VUE’s survey, 61% of the candidates expecting advancement or promotion got it because of taking their IT certification.

“Candidates with current certifications with hands-on product or platform experience demonstrate a higher value to both customers and the company they work for.” Says Sue Murthy, Director Finance QR Solutions

With the need to upgrade is the top priority with the continuous technological evolution, IT professionals strive to discover solutions that are far more efficient for driving businesses ready for the future.  73% of those getting certifications confirm it is for gaining specific competencies and knowledge for upgrading and keeping pace with advancing technology trends. On asking the candidates about achieving their aim for certification, 82% with concern for upskilling candidates got the highest success rate.

Certification is a lifelong activity that continuously improves self-esteem

Certification offers many intrinsic benefits to candidates like 91% experienced an increase in confidence in their abilities, 84% becoming determined for success, 76% got more respect from colleagues, 74% got greater autonomy in work.

Certification gets more value after using it in real-life work situations. For professionals to upgrade for the entire career, the emotional benefits gained from gaining certifications will be the driving force. Of the candidates surveyed for holding the certificates, those below 24 years held four certifications and those below 55 held 10.  A plan for pursuing more certifications in the coming year is with 86% of those who got it in 2020.

A more productive, loyal and effective workforce expected by employers supporting IT credentials

There is significant improvement observed among the workforce by the employers because of their employee credential programs, confirms the report.  And the employees become more productive, loyal and efficient and lose interest in searching outside for fresh opportunities to reduce their turnover when the employers pay for their certifications.  The increase of such candidates is 87% from the 74% compared to the previous reports.

Bob Whelan, the president of Pearson Assessments, explains that the global IT industry proved its resiliency last year, which was with no doubt the most challenging year.  He confirms that their research established the organizations’ trust in the certification to provide personal growth opportunities by addressing specific business challenges.  He further says the global IT professionals’ insights encouraged them, and their vigor in getting fresh certifications fastened by the pandemic will continue at a rapid pace of digital transformation.

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